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更新时间:2022-04-14 15:42
Mallhaha is both an online platform and an offline social enterprise. Online, Mallhaha hosts a marketplace where sellers and buyers can interact. Physical goods,
services and memberships are exchanged between parties. Everyday products ranging from clothing to personal care products to luggage to general furnishing for offices
and homes are all available on the website. Also, real time translation language support services, housing accommodation, train and plane ticket bookings and help with
job and internship postings throughout China are a few services you can find on their platform.
What is more, Mallhaha not only lists these career opportunities online they host quality events to compliment those listings. Offline, events are created to maximize
the user’s experience in the form of personal and business development. Networking events and workshops with business leaders, investors, entrepreneurs and employment
agencies are the kinds of activities you can expect to see. Registered users and followers enjoy these offline interactions while Mallhaha seeks to make a social impact
within its community.